ShapanbgfnRE 發表於 2023-10-10 11:59:27

Most from this new Italian sector

Elements seen by a Negroponte in a positive way, stating that in the digital age "I am me", but that on the contrary Sartori sees good for psychiatric clinics. An era which, however, again in our opinion, opens up perhaps some of the most interesting and powerful glimpses for the "self-centered" human type, and therefore capable of welcoming every form of innovation, even of its own neuro-cognitive and anthropological. As regards some of the epochal transitions of which Homo Videns is an expression, there is a crucial one discussed several times by us and which goes from the modern to the postmodern conception of the world , p and therefore from an Enlightenment to one of another type.

The passage is based first of all on the approach to science. While for Sartori, in the perspective of Francis Bacon, it was man who dominated the scientific and technical means to "dominate nature" Bacon, Novum organum , , now man is subjected to these means, to technology seo expater bangladesh ltd and to his machines, and risks having his inventions turn against him. For Sartori "postmodern philosophy reluctantly attacks the truth", as it considers it the expression of an elitist model, a very interesting perspective for framing this passage. Postmodernism is consecrated, in fact, in all fields as the attack on every possible form of authority.

Even in the cultural field and also within the hierarchical path of cultural learning method, centripetal and linear logic, principle of consecutio , rigor , effort and consistency in studying and processing . Also interesting is the element of resentment highlighted by Sartori, a "Jacobin" element in some ways, to underline the "destructive" effect of certain tendencies and schools of thought: "destroying authority", destroying everything that is "above"! Sartori also mentions certain characteristics that are typical of this new phase of history, and which relate to a precise societal and "spiritual" reorientation also debated by sociologists such as.

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