Sonaliakterpu 發表於 2024-2-14 17:07:42

We have always admired the

Address, when you see the seller delivering the goods, don't rush to inform the seller that you have placed a test order, etc., wait a few days before notifying the seller (in case the seller in turn in your own Place an order in the store and fill in the address you filled in the test order). If the seller is still indifferent to your test order and goes its own way, you can submit the order number and product pictures to the platform customer service to complain to the seller for selling "fake goods.

Attention, they are sellingGreece Email List fake goods! As for not receiving the product, you know how to take pictures of the product. If the platform customer service removes the buyer's listing based on your complaint, the result will naturally be gratifying. However, in many cases, Amazon customer service may reply due to insufficient evidence provided by you or unclear content of the email. You say "Unfortunately, based on the evidence you provided, we decided after evaluation that we cannot delete this listing" etc.

Don't be discouraged in the face of this result. We can take other methods to continue to expel the sellers. 1. If you already have a trademark certificate, you can file a complaint with Amazon as the trademark holder. I am the right holder of the XX trademark.efforts made by the Amazon platform in intellectual property, patent and trademark protection.

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