dipikakapurdipa 發表於 2024-2-19 19:18:23

AMLO does need the IP

Microsoft announced progress in its “Innovate for Mexico” plan in order to contribute to the development of the country. The main pillar of this plan focuses on accelerating the digital transformation in Mexico through the democratization of access to technology. The company announced plans to establish a new cloud data center region in Mexico with the aim of providing its intelligent and reliable cloud services to support public entities, enterprises and society in general, including Microsoft Azure, with Office 365 and Dynamics 365, as well as Power Platform later. This data center region is an important part of Microsoft's $1.1 billion investment plan in Mexico over the next five years, which also includes a robust education and training program made up of different initiatives, such as the creation of three laboratories and virtual classrooms in collaboration with public universities in the country, to provide an educational platform focused on the development of digital skills and helping the labor insertion of future generations. The first initiative of the commitment to use artificial intelligence to create social impact is an investment in the project “Artificial Intelligence for the monitoring of pelagic sharks in the Mexican Pacific Ocean”, led by the environmental organization México Azul, which focuses on conservation of mako sharks as part of the AI ​​for Earth initiative.

Additionally, with the objective of connecting digital transformation experiences and needs, Microsoft is involving managers from leading companies in Mexico that have made significant progress in their digital transformation, to form part of an Advisory Council to identify demand for digital transformation initiatives. training, sharing best practice, tracking progress and improving employability. Few places in the world are as dynamic and diverse as Mexico. In this context, Microsoft America Cell Phone Number List sees a great opportunity for the cloud to accelerate innovation and support people across the country to transform their businesses, explore new entrepreneurial opportunities and help solve some of the world's most complex problems. Microsoft's plan to establish a new cloud data center region in Mexico will provide intelligent, secure and reliable cloud services, expanding its global cloud infrastructure to 57 regions, in 22 countries. Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform are services that will help companies innovate in their industries and move their businesses to the cloud, guaranteeing security standards and compliance with current regulations: Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services that delivers computing, networking, database, analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.


Office 365 enables cloud-based productivity with email, collaboration, conferencing, enterprise social networking, and business intelligence. Dynamics 365 and Power Platform are the next generation of business intelligence applications that enable companies to grow, evolve and transform to meet customer needs and unlock new opportunities. The new cloud data center region in Mexico will provide highly available, scalable and secure cloud services across the country, with the option of local data residency. The infrastructure of this data center will benefit small, medium and large companies, as well as the startup ecosystem. Likewise, it will stimulate the development of clients and partners, as it will allow companies, governments and regulated industries to know the benefits of the cloud in terms of innovation and new projects, and will support the technological ecosystem that accompanies these projects. “In the Tax Administration Service, we have collaborated with Microsoft on some digital transformation initiatives to optimize our tax collection processes.

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