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Publishing high-quality articles on authority

SEO strategy for the wider business” Julie Atherton,Founder, Small Wonder What Does Digital PR Involve? With billions of peopleactive online, businesses need to use digital channels for PR activities. Gooddigital PR agencies combine the best of traditional PR with a focus on trendsin content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. A digital PR specialistuses a variety of tactics to improve the presence of a company or client suchas: Creating and sending out press releases Building relationships with onlinejournalists and bloggers Organizing online reviews and interviews Ensuringpress releases are optimized with relevant links to your website.

Usinginfluencer marketing and blogger outreach to develop partnerships Find Your Mobile Number List or getmentions on influential social media accounts and blogs Publishing onlinecontent to gain a wider reputation and high-quality backlinks What are theBenefits of Digital PR? When you begin a digital PR campaign, you’re strivingto improve brand awareness and online presence. A focused campaign can make abig difference in establishing your online identity and what makes your brandunique. Here are some of the ways digital PR can benefit your brand: Boostwebsite traffic – Once your brand gets mentioned online more frequently, morepeople will start to visit your website. Improve SEO and search ranking score –When your content is published on high-authority sites that link to yourwebsite, your SEO ranking will improve for your target keywords.

Establish acompany as an authority –siteswill improve your reputation as a credible source of information and improvetrust. Generate earned links By using digital PR you can get mentions onlinethat are high-quality and earned rather than paid. Generate leads and sales –Once your brand is mentioned more frequently, you will generate leads from peoplewho visit your website leading to more sales. Improve your brand image andincrease trust – Your target audience will begin to hear more good things aboutyour brand and see an increased number of positive customer reviews. Easilytrack success Unlike traditional PR which was often aimed at a broad audienceand hard to measure, using UTMs or tracking parameters you can see how your PRcampaign is performing. Be cost-effective The benefit of PR is that it doesn’tneed to cost the earth. A simple press release or reach out to an establishedjournalist or blogger could get traction. How to repurpose your content for PRContent marketing is an important part of a digital PR campaign. The more yourcontent is shared and found, the more your reputation and status as anauthority begin to grow. Content you have already written can be transformedinto different content formats and shared or published on a different platformby repurposing. For example, a single blog post can be repurposed into severalother types of content such as

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