dunki31 發表於 2024-2-29 16:33:47

Grenell, occupation: Provocateur

La zanana e zu zurnana: this is how it would be said, with an old Albanian word, to the change of profession by Mr. Richard Grenell, who has set out to provoke the history of the peoples of Southeast Europe, knew to commemorate the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, connecting it with the religious holiday of the Serbian Church, - the memory of the martyrdom of Saint Vito, - and even with "Serbian holy martyrs" of the said battle. The Battle of Kosovo in 1389 was the battle of a small "Christian" Balkan coalition - Serbs, Arberians, Bosniaks - against Turkish-Ottoman expansion in the region. Despot Lazar Grebljanović, the illegitimate son of Stefan Dušan, had previously been a vassal of the sultan and his tribute payer through a treaty of 1375, but was put in charge of the coalition army because he enjoyed the highest title in the coalition titulary .

In the Middle Ages, such hierarchies Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data worked, especially in war campaigns. Under his command, the so-called "coalition of Balkan Christians" was broken by the Turkish army. Thanks to the Ottoman sources, full of details about this battle, the formations can also be roughly reconstructed, including the participation of the arborists or the "arborist troops" in the coalition in question. In the battle formation from the side of the Christians: in the middle the despot Lazar with his son; on the right, his nephew and son-in-law Vuk Branković and George II Balsha, son of Strazimir, who was also Lazar's son-in-law because he had married his daughter Jelena ("an infidel named George" in Ottoman sources or "the ruler of Shkodra of Arberia" etc.


on the left, the leader of Bosnia Tvrtko and the arboreal noble Dhimitër Jonima ("Jund-oglu" in the Ottoman sources), as well as another arboreal chief that the Ottoman chroniclers have called "Ruler Arnaud", or even Theodor Muzaka himself, as the chronicler himself He knows muzak. All these leaders had their respective troops lined up behind them: Serbian, Arberian, Bosnian. Read also: The reason why Kurti is absent from the EU-BP Summit held today in Tirana is revealed Today, February 29/ Why does the leap year exist? Here's what you need to know On the Turkish side: the vanguard troops were commanded by Gazi Evrenos-bey and Jigjit-bey; in the middle was Murat I himself, the supreme commander; on the right, Bajazi's son, Saruxha-pasha and Gazi Evrenos-beu, Ali-pasha, etc.

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