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Must include the characteristics that he has









Rank: 1

發表於 2023-12-18 13:04:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Income Location urban suburban rural Education level Job Information about the company domain size etc. The position held and details about it Abilities Family status married single divorced parent HOBBIES Personal goals Fears challenges Main sources of information Motivations and buying habits Although locating the audience by creating a Buyer Persona is a fictitious process the characteristics you attribute to this ideal customer profile do not have.

To be the ones you think they should have. Instead the ideal customer Email Marketing List profile  in reality. That's why this process must be based on a serious research of the data that you either already have or can obtain through different methods. We will talk about these methods further. Location of the target audience. How do you get the data The process of gathering the necessary data to complete a Buyer Persona profile is not.

That easy since the ideal profile must have real data as its basis. This means that the data you will integrate into the Buyer Persona must be real. Okay now you're probably wondering Where do I get the necessary information to create a Buyer Persona Well I was talking at the beginning of the article about the tools you can use to locate the audience. These tools provide you with data related to the profile of customers and potential customers who have come into.


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