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Linguistic-verbal intelligence









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-6 17:32:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Is because each one has different kinds of intelligence that are reflected in different abilities . An example of this is the student who can get the maximum grade on a mathematics exam without much effort. But he is unable to express himself correctly with spontaneity, or he tries hard to dance well but has no rhythm. The various types of intelligence give different abilities to each person . Discovering what yours are is essential for you to understand what you can do best with greater skill and proactivity . This way you will be able to obtain greater personal satisfaction in the activities you do if you understand what you can do better.

Knowing what your innate abilities are, you will also be able to  work with more Chinese Australia Phone Number List dedication on those in which you are not so skilled and thus you will be able to develop them more and more. ADVERTISEMENT What is the theory of multiple intelligences and who coined it? The concept of Multiple Intelligences emerged in thanks to the studies of Howard Gardner. Gardner was a psychologist, scholar and professor at Harvard University who dedicated himself to researching human cognitive abilities. With his studies he came to the conclusion that each individual can have different types of intelligence that can be grouped into different types. What are the types of intelligence? Linguistic-verbal intelligence This intelligence is that which allows people to easily communicate . It can be a sign language, a verbal language or a written language.

This type of intelligence will facilitate communication whatever it may be. Mastery of language, regardless of what it is, is the main characteristic of this type of intelligence. Those who have linguistic-verbal intelligence usually dedicate themselves to languages, writing, public speaking or communication in general. Content producers have this intelligence well developed. Logical-mathematical intelligence This type of intelligence gives those who possess it the ability to solve mathematical problems , giving them logical and deductive reasoning. Additionally, it provides the individual with skills to perform calculations easily. Contrary to what many think, mathematical reasoning can be applied in the most diverse areas. It is for this reason that this ability was previously considered an essential requirement to be "i


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