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In addition, it also returns a long list of phrases relevant to your niche. Making SEO a top priority in your affiliate marketing content will make an impact in the success and reach of your campaigns. Be sure that you are doing your due diligence by researching trending keywords, analyzing CTR’s, and gauging competition for improved SEO results. Test Blog Page Elements Frequently Just like it is with any advertising strategy, in order for a campaign to be truly effective, it may have to be changed and altered as time goes by.  the best design strategy is to experiment and track the results.

As your blog begins to post more affiliate-fueled content, it is important that you are actively  Chinese American Phone Number List  testing out different designs to see which tactics work best. SEE ALSO Blogging BLOG TIPS Ever Wonder “How Do Blogs Work?” Here’s How Wishpond did a great study on the effect of CTA button placement and its effect on click rates. They found that CTA location largely depended on the intent of the button. If you are trying to grab your reader’s attention to a special offer or promotion, placing the CTA “above the fold” (the upper half of the webpage) will draw in the best results.

On the other hand, inline CTA’s that are embedded into the body of the content are best for prompting action, such as sharing a post on social media or following a link to an additional site. The best rule of thumb here is to experiment with the placement and switch it up depending on the reason a CTA is being used. On a blog, the best kind of advertising is the kind that doesn’t look like an ad at all. This is often called native advertising, and it makes product promotion natural and more authentic than blatant in-your-face marketing does, which is why many affiliate marketers use this tactic.


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